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Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024...We are Ready for You!

Hoping everyone had a wonderful Christmas and had a chance to rest and have fun.

This time of year always leads to a little, if not a lot of reflection on the past year and what's been achieved, and you can see from the flashback photos below, what a huge amount we've packed into 2023! From Litter Picks to launching our web site (thank you Abby Slough). From a Coronation Picnic to winning the CPRE Bedfordshire Living Countryside Award and getting Windsor Drive registered as an Asset of Community Value, to name only a few.

We know we can't rest on our laurels as there's still a long way to go to keep Windsor Drive in perpetuity for the people of Houghton Regis and stop ANY development. However, one things for sure, working together as a team has been, and is the only way forward and I know we are very up for whatever challenge we have to face next.

Thank you so much for being a part of it all, without you we really wouldn't have achieved what we did in 2023, we are very grateful for your help and support.

May we wish you a very happy and healthy 2024, we look forward to working with you to keep Windsor Drive as an Open Space for us all to enjoy

The Friends of Windsor Drive Committee x

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